Sunset Productions

With a keen and specific focus on producing or co-producing films with high artistic integrity, Sunset Productions have had a number of international successes through many years.
Sunset Productions have had the honor of screening films at most major film festival. These include Venice, Toronto, Sundance, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Berlin and Telluride.
Among the films Sunset Productions have been involved in recently are The Five Obstrutions by Lars von Trier and Jorgen Leth, and Ghosts of Cite Soleil by Asger Leth.
Sunset Productions is a small film production company with a long list of credits. The company is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, United States.
Sunset Productions has several documentaries and feature films in development, pre-production and production.
Jorgen Leth makes most of his films with Sunset Productions in his corner.
Etiketter: sunsetproduction
Hej Sunset, Jørgen Leth og andre interesserede,
Vi er en lille gruppe studerende fra Film og Tv på Århus Universitet, som har lavet en fire minutters kortfilm inspireret af "Det perfekte menneske". Vores film hedder "The Perfect Dane" og er delvist inspireret af Oprah Winfreys besøg i Danmark og det noget lyserøde billede, hun fik tegnet af vores nation. Vi prøver med afsæt i Leths lille genistreg fra 67 at korrigere billedet en anelse. Filmen kan ses her:
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Lasse Kobbersmed
Hi everyone in Sunset Production!
My name is Rosane Serro, I'm a former journalist and brazilian documentary filmmaker.
I've just sent an email to the Jorgen Leth Official Blog, but I really don't know if the comments will be send to him. So, I'm trying this way also. Is that OK for you?
Well, my story is not new. I'm probably one of the thousands beginners who asks to use some takes of "The perfect human" is their first jobs.
Well, in my case, I fell in love with Jorgen Leth's movies in film school. And I've made my very first short film ("Blind-ex", an experimental documentary) about loss of vision with two takes of "The perfect Human" ("Here is an eye. Look at this woman's eye").
I choose them as a quote, as a statement of love for his films and because it was so appropriate to the plot: a woman who is losing his vision gradually.
I intend to submit it to festivals but I do not know how to proceed to get his permission to print these quotes (sound and image) on screen. Could you help me?
Do you know his lawyer or copyright office who takes care of his interests that I can look for? Do you know if he usually agrees?
At last, thanks for you attention and patience (whoever is reading this message in a bottle). Hope you bring me luck!
Rosane Serro
+55 21 99386.9878
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