Jørgen Leths Æresløb

On the last day of summer, Friday August 31st, the legendary Aarhus Cyklebane once again came to life. Local bicycle enthusiasts from CK Aarhus staged an event called Jørgen Leth Æresløb (Jorgen Leth honorary bicycle race). Combining Leth's childhood passion for the old bicycle-racing track with his connection to his home of many years, Haiti, all profit from the race was donated to the NGO 'Médecins sans Frontieres' work in Haiti.
Jørgen Leth explains:
'On several occations I have fought to keep the old bicycle track alive. It appears in my film 'Aarhus' (2005), it is the main location in the music video I made with Steffen Brandt, and it has a prominent position in my sports poems from 1967 as well as in my memoirs. There hasn't been an audience on the dying racing track for years, but last week, thanks to local enthusiasts, the old location was once again full of life. The atmosphere was great, and the racers - some of the best from the Danish cycling elite - did a great effort. It was entertaining to see the many different races. Volunteers and sponsors did a great job in renovating the old tribune, making it suitable for a great dinner by chef Jacob Sørensen. I did a speach and read some of my sports poems. The experience tied together two very important parts of my life, my childhood adventures on the racing track, and my life and engagement in Haiti.'
For press coverage of the event, please visit one of the following links: Århus Stifttidende or Feltet.dk.
For more pictures from the event, please go here.
Photo credits: Feltet.dk / Thore Rytter Klitgaard and Stiften.dk / Kim Haugaard
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Den 20. - 21. september finder den årlige Rejse- og Oplevelsesmesse sted i Aarhus (i det nye kulturhus Hermans, Friheden) se venligst www.letsgo2014.dk. Vi forestiller os et indlæg om dig, dit spændende liv,Aarhus, cykelsport etc. Har vores idé nogen gang på Jorden. Mange venlige hilsner. Kaj Nielsen (kaj@aarhus-tours.dk).
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