Jorgen visits Asger in LA

After my masterclass at NYU and three days of scriptwriting with Frederik Jacobi in NYC. I went to LA to visit Asger. Asger is currently preparing for the film CARTEL which he will direct for Imagine Films and Universal Studios. The shooting will take place in Mexico City during the summer of 2009 with Sean Penn as lead actor. I thought that Asger was very calm and clear-headed. He has done his homework and is in control of the complicated process of development.
The day after my arrival, Asger had a big meeting at Universal where he succeeded in convincing the studio executives that it is in fact possible to shoot a complicated film in a megacity that is reknown throughout the world as one of the world's most dangerous cities. Asger has a good relationship with co-workers and producers, especially Imagine's strong man Brian Glazer. I spent some days at the cozy Petit Hotel in West Hollywood while Asger had daily casting sessions at the hotel.
A few days later Asger went on a final research trip to Mexico City with Sean Penn and a couple of production co-workers. Comprehensive security measures have been taken around set, and I consider it a big advantage for Asger that he has such a friendly relationship with Sean Penn.