'Fragment d'une æuvre: Jørgen Leth' in Lussas, France
The film festival in Lussas, France now presents a fine selection of Jørgen Leth's films in a retrospective called 'Fragment d'une æuvre: Jørgen Leth' (Fragments of a filmmakers work: Jørgen Leth). Leth himself will be present at the festival from today Sunday the 22nd till Wednesday 25th.
Kees Bakker: 'Jørgen Leth is an author-filmmaker of great originality who invites the spectator to take part in the elaboration of his films in the sense that he observes more than he attempts to provide answers. Work to be (re)discovered!'
For more information on the extensive programme and for further text about Leth's æuvre as described by the festival, please visit their website.