Full house in Montréal, November 9-20.
I enjoy discussing my work with interested audiences. Here in Montréal I have had full houses in almost all screenings, and also at my masterclass. People stay for the Q&A after the film, and there have been many good questions which inspired me to explain method and thoughts.
The nine films selected for this retrospective are: Motion Picture (1970), Good and Evil (1974), Haiti. Untitled (1996), The Perfect Human (1967), The Five Obstructions (2004), A Sunday in Hell (1977), Erotic Man (2010), 66 Scenes from America (1982), New Scenes from America (2002). I was very happy with the warm response to Erotic Man yesterday, November 14.
An extra event in the margin of the prestigeous RIDM (Rencontres Internationales du documentaire de Montréal) is that November 15, a new book with English translations of my poems is launched with a reading. The title of the book is 'Trivial Everyday Things', published by BookThug, and Martin Aitken has translated the poems. For more information, please visit The Danish Film Institute.