søndag den 19. september 2010

Jørgen Leth Festival in Kolding, Denmark

On september 23rd - 26th 2010, Danish town Kolding will be hosting a Jørgen Leth festival. The festival is a tribute to Leth and his æuvre with four days of film screenings, live debates, live concert with 'Vi Sidder Bare Her' (Simpson, Toksvig, Leth), art exhibitions with works from Leth's Haiti collection and a unique chance to see a 20 minutes excerpt of his latest film, Erotic Man. Leth himself will be present throughout the festival.
For more information, please visit the festival's own website or find them on facebook.

søndag den 12. september 2010

A very satisfying premiere

A very satisfying premiere and second public screening. A warm introduction of my body of work and this film, which chief programmer Steve Gravestock thinks is one of my very best. Big applaus when Five Obstructions is mentioned. Everyone has seen it, and many know several other of my films, too.
No walk-outs!
The day prior to my screening, I went to see the new Godard film, which I think is magnificent. There half of the cinema walked out! I got nervous, thought to myself ' well mine is at least as experimental as his, breaking narrative conventions, allowing itself to be slow', guarding myself with my old avant-garde defiance mood: ' this is how it should be, otherwise something is wrong' etc. But no need! People stayed, and throughout my screening there was a vibrant atmosphere of genuine interest. Warm applaus afterwards. a good Q&A, civilized questions, no aggressions, me at the top of my game. Said among other things: 'Yes it's not a democratic film, but a rather egocentric, idiosyncratic film, only true to my own preferences, not wanting to be neither fair nor reasonable, only to take it as far as it needs to go. Many approached me afterwards, I was moved, thanks, and autographs.
Our own afterparty, producer Marianne as hostess. About 25 dinner guests at Le Select, a French bistro. Among my guests were Anders Leifer, Adam Philp, Jytte Jensen, Karina from Hot Docs (former Miami), Nicole (former Sundance, Miami, now Santo Domingo Festival), Cameron with Sarah, my new English publisher Jay, Lizette and Christian from Danish Film Institute, some people from Trust Nordisk.
Today a second screening, another full house. An even warmer atmosphere, people laughing in all the right places, they get it. Applaus once again for Five Obstructions, and a big applaus after the film. Good Q&A. Today a series of interviews and photo shoots, greatly managed by our publicists from Falko Ink. Everything went well, I was in good shape. a couple more lined up Sunday morning before take off at 2pm.
Jørgen Leth

fredag den 10. september 2010

World premiere of 'Erotic Man' today

Photo by Adam Philp
Can one measure the erotic? Can one frame it? Can one define it? In his long-awaited film, 'Erotic Man', documentarist and poet Jørgen Leth touches on these simple yet comprehensive questions. In the film, that can be perceived as the magnum opus of Jørgen Leth's extensive artistic production over the past five decades, he, the now older European artist, travels the world and his inner self to register the erotic, to search its form and meaning. He is a man who watches women - who watches the woman.
'Erotic Man' premieres at Toronto International Film Festival today as part of the prestigious Masters programme, and both Jørgen Leth and his producer Marianne Christensen will be present at the screening.
Join the film's official facebook page here for further information, press stills and video clips from the film.